Invisible Weapons - by Connect with Kids
Adults may think children bullies are just a part of growing up, but what if it was your kids saying things like this about bullying at school:
"I had nowhere to go, no one to tell. I thought I was fat and stupid and no one wanted be around me.” - Sarah
“They called me four-eyes, homo…until I started to believe it.” - Alex
“I was scared all the time to go to school.” - Jay
Invisible Weapons is a moving half-hour video that’s ideal for parents and children to watch and learn together. Painful, true stories show how kids are taunted and teased by children bullies, harassed and excluded, and how bullying at school made them victims of nasty rumors and gossip.
It’s More Than Just Bullying at School
Bullies and “mean girls” leave wounds that often go deeper than broken bones and bloody noses. You’ll hear from victims as they tell how bullying at school affected their grades, their self-confidence and their relationships.
Listen as children bullies themselves share their stories and regrets. “Maybe I thought making fun of Sarah was cool,” says Ashley, “or that it would make me have more friends.”
There are ways to stop this kind of emotional pain. Hear what experts have to say by ordering Invisible Weapons to learn what you can do about children bullies.